

PEG Morphology Algorithm

posts: 1912

> Jorge Llamb��)B�as scripsit:
> > It all depends on how it was supposed to work. fu'ivla-rafsi
> > can't be combined with all normal rafsi: the immediately preceding
> > one has to be CVCy-, CCVCy-, CVCCy- or another fu'ivla-rafsi.
> But when iy is the glue?

I hadn't thought of allowing {iy} after normal rafsi.
We should not allow it after {CVC}. I'm not sure
if ambiguities would result, but the whole point of using
the "i" is to attach to a vowel. CVC can take y directly.
(Same for CVCC and CCVC, of course.)

Instead of allowing iy after CVV rafsi, we could allow
it after any cmavo: that way every cmavo that starts with
a consonant could be used in lujvo in non-final position.

As a further refinement, if we don't allow consonant
triples we can use {'iy} as the hyphen after a diphthong:

pavyseljirna = paiyseljirna
pai zei seljirna = pai'iyseljirna

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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