

PEG Morphology Algorithm

posts: 149

Jorge Llamb?as scripsit:

> I'm going back to allowing (i/u) vowel as syllable core, including
> in cmavo, unless there is a convincing reason to forbid this. It's
> not hard to make the formal rule for cmavo different than for fu'ivla
> and cmene, but it complicates matters for the user: you have to
> remember that some CVV sequences will break away from a following
> lujvo and some won't, for example.

I think you've given precisely the convincing reason. There is no shortage of
experimental cmavo, and complicating things for fu'ivla-creators is a Bad
Thing, as they are already complicated enough.

Long-short-short, long-short-short / Dactyls in dimeter,
Verse form with choriambs / (Masculine rhyme):
One sentence (two stanzas) / Hexasyllabically
Challenges poets who / Don't have the time. --robison who's at texas dot net