

PEG Morphology Algorithm

On Sunday 26 December 2004 11:46, Jorge "Llambías" wrote:
> --- Pierre Abbat wrote:
> > What does camxes do with {mustelAvison}?
> {mu steLAvi son}
> Also {mustelalalatiTAtuvison} gives:
> {mu stelalalatiTAtu vison}

valfendi says {muste LA vison} and {mu stelala la tiTAtuvison}.

> camxes works left to right, so if it doesn't see a cmene to its
> right it looks for other things. I suppose I could force requiring
> a pause before a cmene that does not follow doi/la/lai/la'i, but
> there doesn't seem to be any point to doing that.

I think we should just say that if a string is valid except for a required
pause, the two lexers may give valid output, even different valid output. You
may want to list where you allow omitting pauses that the official rules

GCS/M d- s-: a+ C++ UL++++$ P+ L+++ E- W+++ N+ o? K? w-- O? M- V- Y++
PGP++ t- 5? X? R- !tv b++ DI !D G e++ h+>---- r- y>+++