

PEG Morphology Algorithm

posts: 1912

> > > What does camxes do with {mustelAvison}?
> > {mu steLAvi son}
> > Also {mustelalalatiTAtuvison} gives:
> > {mu stelalalatiTAtu vison}
> valfendi says {muste LA vison} and {mu stelala la tiTAtuvison}.

So it will hear the brivla {muste} and {mustelala} even when they
are not penultimately stressed?

> > camxes works left to right, so if it doesn't see a cmene to its
> > right it looks for other things. I suppose I could force requiring
> > a pause before a cmene that does not follow doi/la/lai/la'i, but
> > there doesn't seem to be any point to doing that.
> I think we should just say that if a string is valid except for a required
> pause, the two lexers may give valid output, even different valid output.

That's more or less what happens now, yes.

> You
> may want to list where you allow omitting pauses that the official rules
> require.

What I would like is for camxes to agree exactly with the official
rules, either by modifying camxes or by modifying the official rules,
whichever we agree is better.

I have now added !non-lojban-word at the end of post-word.
This means that camxes will require a pause before and after
any non-lojban word. It won't break {mutt} as {mu >tt<}
(which is what it was doing) nor will it break {tteladjan}
as {>tte< la djan} which is what valfendi does.

Now I have to figure out how to impose the rule that a pause
is required before a cmene unless preceded by the *words*
doi/la/lai/la'i, not just the syllables or a brivla containing
those syllables, which is the rule it follows now.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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