

PEG Morphology Algorithm

posts: 1912

> *** Sentence: la BALtazar. cu me le ci nolraitru 1
> valfendi: -la BALtazar. -cu -me -le -ci (nolraitru)
> pegbased: -la (BALta) zar. -cu -me -le -ci (nolraitru)

I didn't have !cmene at the beginning of gismu, because
it wasn't needed for the words rule. That should be fixed.

I also added !cmene at the end of gismu, lujvo and fuhivla.
This will force a pause before any cmene not preceded by
the *cmavo* doi/la/lai/la'i, not just the syllables.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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