

Robin's gadri Proposal

posts: 2388

RGP is presumably "Robin's Gadri Proposal"

Robin Lee Powell <> wrote:On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 07:04:40AM -0700, wrote:
> Re: Robin's gadri Proposal
> > Personal Specificity ??? sa'e The specific thing(s) I have in mind
> > (i.e. "le", but without implication of veridicality).
> I insist that {le} has no implication of veridicality, so the comment
> '"le", but without implication of veridicality' does not make sense.


> > le broda ~= lo sa'e broda == su'o da poi mi pensi ke'a zi'e poi ke'a
> > broda
> "~=" here means approximately equal, right? (Sometimes "~" is used for
> negation.) Does this mean that you are dropping CLL's default {[ro]
> le}?

No, I just forgot about it.

> Consider:
> le prenu cu klama le zarci
> CLL: Each of the people I have in mind goes to each of the
> markets I have in mind.
> RGP: At least one of the people I have in mind goes to at
> least one of the markets I have in mind.
> XS: The people I have in mind go to the markets I have in mind.
> I believe XS is closest to usage, and CLL is the canonical
> prescription, but your version is neither.

RGP? You meant RLP, yes? In which case, where did you find a keyboard
where G is close to L? :-)
