

BPFK Section: Epistemology sumtcita

posts: 14214

On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 12:31:46PM -0300, Jorge Llamb?as wrote:
> > Examples of ta'i Usage
> >
> > ta'i ma do cilre la lojban
> > "By what method did you learn Lojban?"
> This one is regular. Just slightly odd because {cilre} already has
> a "by method" place.

Added another example.

> > Examples of pu'e Usage
> >
> > mi finti lo lisri pu'e lo nu ciska ro da poi mi pensi
> > "I invent stories by writing down whatever I think of."
> {pruce} has so many event places that it's hard to say what's
> related to what by {pu'e}.
> Wouldn't the writing of whatever I think be the stages (or perhaps
> the only stage) of the process of inventing stories? If so, this
> would be an example of {ve pu'e}.

I don't think ve pu'e can tag a single lo nu. Needs to be more
than one, and ideally ce'o should be involved.

> It seems to me that if pu'e tags a pruce, the main bridi will
> describe the input, the output or the stages of the process. Or
> are the main bridi and the tagged sumti identified as the same
> process?

You have this strange belief that if one uses a BAI tag, one is
automatically relegating the main bridi to a place in whatever the
underlying selbri of the BAI tag is. I simply don't agree.
