

BPFK Section: Case sumtcita

posts: 2388

> On 5/16/05, John E Clifford
> <> wrote:
> > So you are saying tht you did not invent
> these
> > forms by a mechanical device, but someone
> else
> > did. It is not who did it but that it was
> done
> > that I object to. As for what are the new
> ones,
> > I would say all that have been added to the
> old
> > list for reasons other than actual usage.
> What "old list"?

Judging by the pile it is in, it is a printed
list that circulated somewhere between the last
couple of variously named newsletters and the
serious working toward CLL.

> BAIs are a closed class, they can't be
> augmented by
> usage unless through the use of experimantal
> cmavo.
The BAI are a closed class if you mean by that a
group of forms that are composed from the simple
BAI taken either alone or with a SE prefixed
(probably restricted by the adicity of the
"corresponding brivla"). Or even through all
forms generated by any predicate and the device
for isolating a place from it (although this is
technically not a closed class since the class of
predicates is not). The class of actual (used)
BAI is not a closed class, we can add to that
simply by using one in a real way (I take it that
made up — and often farfetched — examples do
not count).