

BPFK Section: Causation sumtcita

posts: 14214

On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 10:49:26PM -0400, John.Cowan wrote:
> scripsit:
> > As for the section on bai itself, what this word should mean is
> > all but obvious. If we follow the system in which all BAI are
> > based upon the corresponding brivla, we get that the place is
> > filled by a force which compels something. But people have been
> > used "bai" for all kinds of stuff, including people and objects.
> > This is also the case for the one example (".i za'a bai lo skami
> > mi nalviska le se cinri nu casnu").
> >
> > So, how do we solve this?
> >
> Explicitly allow sumti-raising in BAIs, relative to the source
> gismu.

How about adding this to the Preface section (and, of course, it
would need to be stuck in the CLL somewhere; ideas?):

Implicit sumti Raising

If a gismu place specifies that it normally takes an abstraction, or
a particular type of abstraction (ka, nu, etc), then if a concrete
object appears in that place, it should be considered to have "tu'a"
in front of it. This also applies to BAI and SE BAI sumti tcita in
which the underlying gismu place requires an abstraction.
