

Wiki page BPFK Section: Realis Attitudinals changed by xorxes

posts: 2388

> On 6/23/05, John E Clifford
> <> wrote:
> > It is not clear what the excess and deficit
> are
> > of in many cases: It may be that cowardice is
> too
> > little courage (though that seems odd in some
> > ways) but impetuosity is not an excess of
> > courage.
> According to this table, rashness would be an
> excess
> of confidence, cowardice a deficiency, and
> courage the
> just mean:
This is at least an expressible "emotion" and
makes for a reasonably clear set of markers, but,
because the positive is in the middle, I don't
suppose it would be used in Lojban. Indeed,
assuming that is what is meant, it seems to have
been split into two separate ones, neither of
which is at all clear (nor expressible, for that matter).