

Zendo In Lojban

On 12/7/05, Robin Lee Powell <> wrote:

> Because Zendo pieces aren't three dimensional; they are about 2.1 by
> my guess.

They have fractal dimension?! :-)

They might be hollow, but they are very much three dimensional.

> Wow. I had no idea "li pa .e ci" is a mex. WTF does it mean?

I guess it could mean something like 0001 AND 0011 = 0001

> Isn't "be'o" clearer than vu'o?

Correct, even. {vu'o} is only to attach a relative clause.

BTW, I think {gunma} means "consists of", not "contains". The
x2 of gunma are all the constituents of x1. There's {selpau}
or {selcmi} or {vasru} for "contains".

mu'o mi'e xorxes