

Zendo In Lojban

On 12/7/05, Robin Lee Powell <> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 09:28:43AM -0300, Jorge Llamb?as wrote:
> > BTW, I think {gunma} means "consists of", not "contains". The x2
> > of gunma are all the constituents of x1. There's {selpau} or
> > {selcmi} or {vasru} for "contains".
> "contains" in Zendo doesn't really mean "contains"; gunma was
> suggested by kpreid, and it's really much better.

I take {gunma pa xunre dacti} to mean "consists of exactly one
red piece", no other pieces of any kind. In other words, I take
{gunma} to mean what you use {mulgunma} for. In other words,
if a koan ko'a consists of ko'e and ko'i, I would say:

ko'a gunma koe joi ko'i
"ko'a consists of ko'e and ko'i together"

and not

ko'a gunma ko'e .e ko'i

Which to me does not mean "ko'a contains ko'e and ko'a contains
ko'i" but "ko'a consists of ko'e" and at the asme time "ko'a consists
of ko'i", which would only make sense if ko'e and ko'i are the same

mu'o mi'e xorxes