

Zendo In Lojban

On 12/7/05, Robin Lee Powell <> wrote:
> {ly ly gy gunma mi joi la xorxes}, for example; is certainly true
> that the LLG consists of you and I, considered jointly, but that is
> not *all* it consists of.

We have a different understanding of "consist of" then, I would not
say in English that the LLG consists of you and I.

> For the record, I agree with you; when about 3 people all disagreed
> with me simultaneously, I decided that that was clearly not the only
> reading of the gismu list.

I don't see what the "considered jointly" adds to the definition if
the LLG can "consist of you" and at the same time "consist of me".

> The problem with "vasru" is that a koan is not a container in any
> obvious sense. Do you have any suggestions for a more specific way
> to get at the "contains some things including X" without "joi lo
> drata" ?

{selcmi}. {ko'a selcmi ko'e} says that ko'a contains ko'e in the
required sense (not as a separate container) without saying
whether or not it contains anything else.

{selpau} would also work, except it would seem to require there
to be at least some other part, i.e. {ko'a selpau ko'e} says that
ko'e is part of ko'a, but there would have to be some other parts
to ko'a besides ko'e.

I can't really vouch for any of this of course. I can only
tell you how I interpret these words.

mu'o mi'e xorxes