Lojban In General

Lojban In General

Eclipse Phase Quick-Start Rules in Lojban?

posts: 1

(I originally sent a version of this message to Robin Lee Powell;
I'm sending it here at his suggestion, as it might be something
that interests the community at large.)

Eclipse Phase is a pretty groovy transhuman horror tabletop RPG,
released under a Creative Commons license (BY-NC-SA, for those
who are curious). I'm a fan, and have done some copyediting work
on some of their releases. Today, one of the creators posted
regarding a Portugese translation of the quick-start rules:


It struck me that Lojban doesn't have (as far as I know) any works
of this nature, rules for playing a game (or a tabletop RPG). I
think it would be pretty cool to have such a thing. Another feather
in the breadth of the utility of the language. (Plus, it's CC-licensed,
so there's no worries about hosting it on the official Lojban website,
angering the developers, and so on.)

I pinged Robin on this, because he's on the mailing list for a game
I work on (Endgame: Singularity), and I feel that the two have some
similarities. I suspect many Lojban enthusiasts are into this sort
of thing in an over-broad, general sense, if only going from my own
tastes. :-)

Unfortunately, I happen to be nothing but the most rank novice with
Lojban itself.

Anyway, if there /is/ interest in doing a translation of the
quick-start rules, it's entirely possible that I can convince one
of the EP devs to provide the design files used so, in the end, there
could be a professional-looking Lojban translation of the
quick-start rules.

And if there isn't interest, well, what the heck. It was worth a
shot. ;)

Phil B.